Comprehensive Financial Planning

Comprehensive Financial Planning is a holistic service that pays attention to these key areas of your financial life:

  • Cash flow

  • Investment planning

  • Retirement planning

  • Tax & estate planning

  • Risk management and insurance

  • Education planning for your children and/or your grandchildren

What to expect if you choose a Comprehensive Financial Plan:

Plan to meet with Kurt for a complimentary 60-90 minute meeting where he will listen closely to your values and goals as you discuss the following questions:

  • What’s important about money to you?

  • What is something you want to achieve that requires money and planning?

As Kurt guides you through this conversation he will help you articulate your financial vision and then help you to set and prioritize goals that you’d like to achieve. Then, Kurt will look at your financial situation and quote you an annual fee for the Comprehensive Financial Planning service. These fees are explained in greater detail below.

After that initial meeting, if you decide to work with Kurt, plan to meet once every three months. Usually the first of these quarterly meetings will take place a few weeks after the initial complimentary meeting. Kurt will work to assess your financial picture and create a financial plan. The plan will identify your values, goals, and make recommendations on next steps as we work collaboratively to achieve your goals.

Comprehensive Financial Planning is holistic and customized to each person’s specific goals and financial situation. Kurt uses eMoney Advisor financial planning software as a collaborative space that securely stores financial documents, aggregates financial information from banks and brokers, and helps track progress on your goals.

Though you will have scheduled quarterly meetings, you can always schedule a meeting to update your financial situation or discuss anything you may need in-between scheduled meetings with Kurt.

You can schedule an in-person meeting, a phone meeting, or a meeting via Google Meet by emailing Kurt or accessing Kurt’s calendar by clicking here.

How do fees work with the Comprehensive Financial Plan?

At the initial meeting Kurt will discuss the annual fee. Kurt suggests an annual fee that is based upon a proposed amount of time spent during the year and based upon a rate of $300 per hour. This annual fee is then billed quarterly.

As an example, someone with a simple financial planning situation who would like to include debt reduction, savings, and investment strategies and would only like to meet on a quarterly basis may merit a fee at a $3,000 annual mark. However, a client with a more complex situation, who wants more services such as retirement planning, education planning, insurance planning, and other complex investment opportunities, and who would like to meet more often, may require a higher fee at a $5,000 mark because of the increased amount of time spent working on the financial plan.